You want to know the best way to get massive amounts of traffic? The best way to get massive traffic is to create your own Product. The best type of product to create is a digital product like a Membership Website, an Ebook, a Video Series, or a Piece of Software.
No matter what kind of website you have right now or which niche you are in, you can create an info product for it that helps your visitors solve their main problem. And it has to be a product that solves a problem that a lot of people have, so you have a huge potential customer pool.
The reason that creating a digital product is such a great way to get a lot of traffic, is because you can offer a high payout to Affiliates (which is the main thing that Affiliates want along with high sales conversions, which comes from having a very nice pitch page), and so that you can profitably buy traffic (since digital products have such high margins since their production costs are so low, while factoring in that some of the traffic you buy will become your Affiliates to make your traffic buying more profitable).
Let me explain further…
There are basically only 4 ways to get a lot of traffic.
1. Search Engine Traffic (but you can get banned any time, and rankings can fluctuate wildly – see all the horror stories at Traffic Planet Forums)
2. Paid Traffic (but you need to have your own Product to make this profitable, if you just monetize with ads or affiliate products you can’t profitably buy traffic)
3. Affiliate Traffic (also need your own product, so you can incentivize people with traffic to add your banners to their site and send blasts to their email lists)
4. Email List Traffic (but you also need your own product, or you won’t be perceived as a trusted expert)
You can also get some small traffic from social networks like facebook and twitter, forum signatures, blog comment posting, and article posting, but this traffic is inconsistent and minor compared to the four main ways mentioned above, and also usually comes as a byproduct of the 4 main traffic streams (think Facebook Likes and Twitter Retweets).
Now, to actually get a lot of traffic, you basically have 2 options you can choose from to setup your website.
Option 1
Your first option is to create a search engine optimized website with lots of free written content, that you add a new 200+ word post to every day. Each new post you add will rank for new keyword phrases, search engines love free content because they know it satisfies their users, and search engines are in the business of making their users happy. After a month, your website will have 30 posts with unique page titles raking for various long tail keyword phrases. After 3 months, it will have 90 post. After a year it will have 365 posts, each ranking for more keyword phrases. The problem with this option is that you can get deindex/banned/penalized by search engines any day and lose all your traffic. Plus you have to have to write 250+ words every day, and you have to think of new things to write about every day. And finally, if you have your own product on a seo site, your sales conversion rates will suffer since your site has so much free content for your users to get lost in.
Option 2
You can create a Product website that solves a problem that people have. The best way to create a Product is to create a digital product like a membership website (you will learn how in the website building area of this site), an ebook, a video course, or a piece of software. Digital products are great because once they are finished you don’t have to keep making them over and over like physical products, AND you can charge a lot for them. You need to make your product website only have links to buy your product, so your sales rates will be as high as possible to satisfy your affiliates and make buying traffic profitable and possible.
If you’re going to have a blog with a daily post and a product, its best to separate them into different domain names. One for your blog, and one for your product pitch and private membership site. For example my blog for this site is at and I funnel traffic to which is strictly a pitch page so that salves conversions are as high as possible, and I can buy traffic and send it to that page without losing sales to my free content on my separate domain that’s being used to rank and get search engine traffic.
Creating a product is harder, but that’s why its more profitable.
So, that’s the secret to getting massive traffic. You have to create a product, so that you can have affiliates, and be able to buy traffic.
Must reads
Reasons Your Website Doesn’t Get Much Traffic
So, let me tell you the reasons why your website does get much traffic. And listen carefully because you’re about to get a big dose of reality.
1) First, you don’t get much traffic because you have no product and just monetize your website with ads or affiliate products. Having ads and affiliate products on your website is fine, but without your own product, the only streams of traffic available to you are search engine traffic and email list traffic. You cannot profitably buy traffic, and you cannot get Affiliate traffic, which are very important streams of traffic. You probably think you are too lazy to create your own product, but its actually pretty easy. Inside the training area I take you through all the steps to create your own digital products.
2) Second, your domain name sucks. To rank high in Google and Bing for a keyword that gets a lot of searches each month, you have to have the keyword in your domain name, or you have to have a really catchy, memorable domain name. If you look at the search results for really competitive keyword phrases, the websites in the top 10 just about always have that keyword in their domain name. When you have the keyword in your domain, google gives your site more weight for that keyword, and people are more likely to link to you with that keyword which will help you rank for the main keyword you are targeting with your homepage.
3) Your homepage title tag is not set to a high search volume keyword you want to rank for. Use the google keyword tool to find a good keyword to target that gets atleast 300 “exact match” local searches per month, set that as your homepage title, then ideally make your domain name have that keyword. Then build links to your homepage with that keyword as your anchor text.
Anchor text is the text used in links, like this
<a href=””>Anchor Text</a>
For example you would set your anchor text to
<a href=””>Keyword Phrase You Want To Rank For</a>
If your site was, you might decide to target the keyword “Samurai Swords”, so you would build links like this
<a href=””>Samurai Swords</a>
For example, if you want to rank for the search term “Samurai Swords” you should get a domain name like “”, set your homepage title as “Samurai Sword” and then build links to your site with the anchor text “Samurai Swords” like Samurai Swords.
4) You don’t build links to your website. To rank high in google, you have to build links to your website using the anchor text you want to rank for. Thats how Google ranks websites. When people search for a keyword, google gives them a list of websites, starting with the site with the most links with anchor text matching the search term. For example, if you want to rank for the term “Samurai Swords” you have to add this code Samurai Swords to as many websites as you can. How I do this is by doing a google search for the keyword I want to rank for, then doing a link: search for the 5 highest ranked sites for that term. Then I go to all the pages, and add my link to the sites that allow it, which are usually blogs, forum, and article directories.
5) Your website has no content, and only a few pages. To get a lot of traffic from search engines, your website has to have lots of pages with lots of text, at least 200 words on each page, the more words the better. Each page of text your website has gives you another chance to rank for more keywords and increase your traffic. You should post 1 new article to your site each day, it should only take you 20 minutes to do this. Just write about your topic for 20 minutes a night and then post what you have written, don’t worry about how good at is, just do the best you can. After 3 months you site will have 100 pages, and after a year, your website will have 365 pages, with each page having the potential to rank for a different keyword phrase and send you more traffic.
6) Your website looks like crap. And by that I mean your logo is dumb, your background color is weird, your navigation makes no sense, your posts have no comments, and you have facebook and twitter buttons with 0 likes and tweets. These things make your visitors leave immediately.
7) And finally, you don’t work on your website enough. You should work on it as much as you can. And what I mean by work is not checking your stats constantly and adding new widgets that will distract your visitors, but actually adding content to your site in the form of blog posts and videos as much as possible. All of the websites in the world that make a lot of money and get a lot of traffic have many hundred and thousands of hours poured into them by their owners. If you want to have a cool website that gets a lot of traffic, you have to put a lot of time and effort into it.
Very informative thanks
Some quality info there mate, looking forward to reading the rest of your site.
I’m reason number 1. I get traffic…nobody buys anything. Thanks, now I know. ouch!
WOW! i just learned something new… let’s see if it work below 🙂
Shaqir Hussyin
I’ve got lots to improve on at:
Thanks for the info.
Nice Share
grate article
I don’t think I’m doing too bad. I’ve only started my blog two weeks now and I’ve had over 500 hits. But, I’ve a lot of content on it, back links, forum posts and social networking. I’d say I sort of live on the net! Sixteen hours a day I spend on it. But I love it! Just hope all the hard work pays off.
The advice is very relevant, many ideas that can generate continuous traffic on a site.
thank you
Great Stuff Man! Love it! I got me a blog right here… I make alot of money w/ no product or SEO yet. I think it’s time to step my game up. Hit me up anytime.
– James
I have a starting website and I hope to increase its traffic and improve the site. Thanks for the wonderful info mate.
My starting wordpress blog is in the works!And I’m glad I read this before i got to far into it for sure
Hey buddy…. Thanks for your hard work….
Can you please check out my website and tell me what i need to do to it so I can make money with it? Also what do you think about it ? Is it a good website to keep promoting?
Here is the link:
When i do a search for it on google it appears many times for a few months now but i haven’t make any money with it at all…Can you please tell me what I did wrong?
Thank You…
Yes its good. Just keep adding pages of content and links.
You should also try starting another website thats just a squeeze page where you capture emails. Having a big email list is where its at, then you can swap clicks at is like 30 dollars a month!!! has a few membership plans ranging from $20 to $30 per month. But if you swap 100 clicks a day, thats 3000 per month, and 3000 visitors is well worth $30.