[jwplayer config=normalplayer file=how-to-pick-a-domain-name-that-will-attract-a-lot-of-trafic-and-where-to-buy-good-domain-names.mov]
A domain name is the address of your site. For example “Yahoo.com” and “DeviantArt.com” are domain names. Dot com domain names are generally worth ten to twenty times their dot net and dot org equivalents, because they have such world wide recognition. The largest domain registrar in the world is GoDaddy.
Your domain name is extremely important in determining whether or not you will make money online, so choose it carefully. All successful websites have good domain names. Your domain name should be easy to remember, easy to say out loud, spell, and people should know exact what your website is about by just reading it. You can see the Domain Sales chart at DNJournal.
Your domain name is the first thing that people see, so it has the potential to draw them in, or immediately turn them off if it has hyphens or numbers in it, or has words that make no sense.
The problem is most good generic domain names are already taken.
So it you want a domain name like
You might consider adding a word to the end or beginning like
It is always a good idea to have one of the main keywords for your subject in your domain name. For example if your site is about “Running Faster” then include that in your domain name as it will help you rank for search terms related to that and allow people to remember it easier.
A good keyword tool I use is Word Pot. Put in a keyword related to the subject of your website, and it will give you a list of keyword with the number of times each is searched for per day. For example the word “Skateboards” gets searched for around 1,000 times per day. If you can rank in the top 10 for that keyword, you will be able to get a percent of that search traffic. Whoever ranks number one usually gets about fifty percent of the search traffic (since paid ads get about thirty percent) and positions 2 through 10 get around 10% to 1% the lower you go in rankings.
To buy domains that are already taken, like exact match keyword domains, you should look up the owners email address through a tool like Whois Lookup. Then email the owner and ask them how much money they want for the domain name. When they write back with a price, offer them half of what they want, then negotiate from there.
Usually they will want a ridiculous price that you will not want to pay or not be able to afford, but sometimes you will find domain name owners that reply to you with a reasonable price. I have bought some really good domain names from people this way, including this one. Give it a try.
Make it so when people read your domain name, they know exactly what your website is about without even looking at the content, for example doubleyourdating.com, problogger.com/.net, ultimatewowguide.com, maverickmoneymakers.com.
Make it catchy. Exact match is a must if you want to rank for a particular high search volume keyword. If someone has a domain you want to buy, lookup their whois with godaddy, email them with this exact email, then counter their offer. .Com domains are the best because the .com extension has had so much money poured into it by the biggest companies in the world so they naturally have more trust, but .net and .org are ok too. All other extensions you should stay away from, and the only time you should consider using a dash is in a two word .com only domain like entrepreneurs-journey.com.
Look on GoDaddy Auctions for exact match domains in your niche that are $500 or less.